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WCF № 04004.64 Assolux № 4233
Luidor Shezhny Bars BRI ns11 W.Ch. Marshall Peppercat BRI ns11 Ch. Silver-Joshua vom Goldenen Winkel BRI ns11 Ch.Jadviga's Silver Mario Lanza BRI ns11
Int.Ch. Silver Nadin v. Wahrberg BRI ns11
Cora Dominika Peppercat BRI ns11 E.Ch. Greendale Sargeant Pepper BRI ns11
Int.Ch. Petunia Snow Queen BRI ns11
Ch. Jennifer Silver of Britain BRIns11 Amulet Silver of Britain BRI as11 Ch. ZoZoo Raisings Moon Light BRI ns12
E.Ch. Kleo Silver of Britain BRI ns11
Xenia Silver of Britain BRI ns11 Ch. ZoZoo Raisings Moon Light BRI ns12
Int.Ch. Aubusta Silver of Britain BRI ns11
Ch. Chantal Euphoria Blossom SFS h22 Int.Ch. Буонапарт SFS ds22 Lege Artis Leon SFS c24 Int.Ch. Tom Lege Artis SFS es23
Lapushka Lege Artis SFS71 b24
Noldi Бурный Поток SFS71 fs22 Gr.Int.Ch. Zhores On Kutuzovka SFS ns22
Int.Ch. Marian Anri Mormot SFS71 fs22
Ledjana Chantal SFS71 j22 W.Ch. Christian Dior Marble Empire SFS ds22 W.Ch. Von Part Tennet Suomi BRI n22
Gr.Int.Ch. Sher Marble Empire SFS gs
Ch. Berenica Chantal SFS71 cs24 Ch. Dustin of Forest Tale BRI as24
Int.Ch. Lilac Obsession SFS c
Chantal's Design